Which presidential candidate could best defend America from a zombie invasion?

I felt the film and I had sort of lost connection with the origin of the series, which was a little guerrilla movie that a bunch of amateurs made in Pittsburgh all those years ago. (...) And I thought "Well, I can make a little film, do it pretty inexpensively, about students who are out shooting a student film when the shit hits the fan, when zombies sit up and start walking around." I said: "We can go back to the very first night, and we can try to pretend" -- even though that was 1968 and this is now --- "that this is the same first night, when this phenomenon first begins to happen."
Og når mesteren først snakker, er det på sin plass å få fasiten i den pågående nerdedebatten om hvilke kriterier som kreves for å kunne kalle noe en ekte zombiefilm:
And they MOVE SLOW! They CAN'T Run! That's the other thing I insist on; 28 Days Later, I can forgive, because they're not dead; they're infected with some kind of a virus, so they're still human, therefore they are still capable of moving fast. [But] that Dawn of the Dead remake, Christ, what did they do, get up from the dead and immediately take up a membership at a gym?
Diary of the Dead blir en begivenhet på kino senere i vår/til sommeren.

Etiketter: Diary of the Dead, George A. Romero, nerding, zombier