Disse filmene har jeg sett i 2017:
- 29.01: Bacalaureat / Graduation / Den store prøven (2016) (Cristian Mungiu) (Around the World 7/2017: Romania)
- 28.01: Iklimler /Climates (2006) (Nuri Bilge Ceylan) (Around the World 6/2017: Tyrkia)
- 27.01: Hymyilevä mies / The Happiest Days in the Life of Olli Mäki (2016) (Around the World 5/2017: Finland)
- 24.01: Ute av drift! (1992)
- 20.01: Anything Else (2003) (Woody Allen)
- 20.01: Barneraneren (2016) (skolevisning Saga kino)
- 19.01: Welcome to Norway (2016)
- 18.01: The Girl With all the Gifts (2016)
- 14.01: Kongens nei (2016) (Erik Poppe)
- 14.01: The Pirates! Band of Misfits (2012)
- 12.01: Sensommer (2016) (Henrik Martin Dahlsbakken)
- 08.01: Cesare deve morire / Caesar Must Die (2012) (Gullbjørnen 2012) (Around the World 4/2017: Italia)
- 08.01: Bai ri yan huo / Black Coal, Thin Ice (2014) (Gullbjørnen 2014) (Around the World 3/2017: Kina)
- 07.01: Operasjon Sjøsprøyt (1964)
- 06.01: Cave (2016) (Henrik Martin Dahlsbakken) (Plex) (Around the World 2/2017: Norge)
- 05.01: Despicable Me / Grusomme meg (2010) (Plex m/ Eli)
- 03.01: Doctor Strange (2016) (Saga kino m/ Erkan)
- 02.01: Manchester by the Sea (2016) (Kenneth Lonergan) (Smugvisning - Cinemateket m/ Magnus)
- 01.01: Into the Inferno (2016) (Werner Herzog) (Plex) (Around the World 1/2017: Tyskland)
Tidligere år: 2006 (121 filmer) // 2007 (124 filmer) // 2008 (121 filmer) // 2009 (127 filmer) // 2010 (124 filmer) // 2011 (137 filmer) 2012 (150 filmer) // 2013 (190 filmer) // 2014 (128 filmer) // 2015 (110 filmer) // 2016 (110 filmer)